Nice and attractive looking for these very strong black willow bamboo party picks. Disposable and biodegradable, Sweet Flavor bamboo black willow bamboo skewers are perfect for cocktails, appetizers, cheeses and dessert.
Nice and attractive looking for these very strong black willow bamboo party picks. Disposable and biodegradable, Sweet Flavor bamboo black willow bamboo skewers are perfect for cocktails, appetizers, cheeses, and dessert.
12 in. square biodegradable bamboo food skewer holds 100 holes. Perfect for special and catering events. Biodegradable pick stand 100 holes.
Bamboo black willow picks are a versatile pick with a big personality but a small carbon footprint! A compostable willow flat food pick creates distinctive flair for hearty bites like meatballs, burgers, or shrimp cocktail, but can also be used to thread garnishes for your favorite tropical drinks and desserts. Showcase your edible creations on one of our natural square bamboo food pick holders for easy guest access.
View our collection of eco-friendly bamboo willow skewers today. Complimentary samples are available by simply calling our customer service team at 305-532-3731.