Disposable and biodegradable, Sweet Flavor silver sphere mini bamboo party picks are perfect for cocktails, appetizers, fruits and much more. the main part of the skewers is in bamboo, the top of it has a silver style mini plastic ball.
Disposable and biodegradable, Sweet Flavor silver sphere mini bamboo party picks are perfect for cocktails, appetizers, fruits and much more. the main part of the skewers is in bamboo, the top of it has a silver style mini plastic ball.
Disposable and biodegradable, Sweet Flavor silver sphere mini bamboo party picks are perfect for cocktails, appetizers, fruits and much more. the main part of the skewers is in bamboo, the top of it has a silver style mini plastic ball.
Disposable and biodegradable, Sweet Flavor silver sphere mini bamboo party picks are perfect for cocktails, appetizers, fruits and much more. the main part of the skewers is in bamboo, the top of it has a silver style mini plastic ball.
Disposable and biodegradable Sweet Flavor Pearl bamboo skewers are chic and elegant.
Disposable and biodegradable, Sweet Flavor pearl bamboo skewers are chic and elegant. They are perfect for a cocktail party, drinks, fruits or any appetizers dishes.
Red Ball Bamboo Skewer 5.9 in.
Chinese Fork 3.5 in
12 in. square biodegradable bamboo food skewer holds 100 holes. Perfect for special and catering events. Biodegradable pick stand 100 holes.
When your operation is ready for next-level food and drink excellence in presentation, Sweet Flavor is here with a bamboo fancy food pick that brings the ‘wow!’ factor to all of your events. Select a charming bamboo heart pick, some fusion-styled bamboo pearl skewers, or a colorful array of pearlescent bamboo sphere picks. Our natural cube bamboo picks come in three colors and will add a modern flair to small-bites and creative cocktails.
Visit our collection of disposable bamboo skewers and fancy bamboo food picks today. Complimentary samples are available by simply calling our customer service team at 305-532-3731.